Products catalog : Henan Shaolin Heavy Machines.Co.,Ltd : ALL.BIZ: China
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Henan Shaolin Heavy Machines.Co.,Ltd
+86 (371) 567-679-08

Products catalog

Jaw crusher PE 400x600
In stock 
54000 CNY
Jaw Crusher: Jaw Crusher is mainly used to crush kinds of mining stones primarily, and the largest compression resistance of the material to be crushed is 320MPa. The jaw crusher is widely used in mining, metall-urgical industry, building material, highway, railway, and chemical...
Group: Jaw crushers
Shaolin jaw crusher PE150x250
In stock 
8300 CNY
Jaw Crusher: Jaw Crusher is mainly used to crush kinds of mining stones primarily, and the largest compression resistance of the material to be crushed is 320MPa. The jaw crusher is widely used in mining, metall-urgical industry, building material, highway, railway, and chemical...
Group: Machines crushing
Impact crusher PF1210
In stock 
225000 CNY
Impact Crusher: Impact Crusher is mainly used to crush many kinds of large, medium, small materials whose side length is less than 500mm, and compression resistance should not be more than 350Mpa. The impact crusher is widely used in hydroelectricity, highway, artificial stone and sand, building...
Group: Crushers for rocks
PE系列鄂式破碎机鄂板 PE-series jaw crusher plates
In stock 
880 CNY
少林鄂式破碎机 鄂板: 鄂板既是鄂式破碎机的主要部件,有动鄂板,静鄂板,根据鄂式破碎机型号的不同,有多种型号尺寸,一般采用高锰钢材质。 二、组装   装配时,破碎齿板必须牢固地贴在破碎机墙板或动颚上,两者之间应该垫平,破碎齿板与破碎机墙板或动颚之间要用软金属(如铅、锌等) 作垫片,并用螺栓紧固。破碎机工作时,破碎齿板不应有松动现象,否则容易折断或磨损破碎齿板,降低破碎齿板的使用寿命。所以,装配时一定要
Group: Details and units for the mountain - mine equipment
振动筛 Vibrating screen 3YZS1860
In stock 
85000 CNY
Group: Screens
Shaolin ball mill 1830x7000
In stock 
345000 CNY
球磨机用途和使用范围:   球磨机是物料被破碎之后,再进行粉碎的关键设备。球磨机广泛应用于水泥,硅酸盐制品,新型建筑材料、耐火材料、化肥、黑色与有色金属选矿以及玻璃陶瓷等生产行业,对各种矿石和其它可磨性物料进行干式或湿式粉磨 本机为卧式筒形旋转装置,外沿齿轮传动,两仓,格子型球磨机。物料由进料装置经入料中空轴螺旋均匀地进入磨机第一仓,该仓内有阶梯衬板或波纹衬板,内装不同规格钢球
Group: Limestone
VSI 立轴冲击式破碎机(制砂机)Vertical shaft impact crusher(sand making machine)
In stock 
98000 CNY
冲击式破碎机又称制砂机,它广泛适用于各种岩石、磨料、耐火材料、水泥熟料、石英石、铁矿石、混凝土骨料等多种硬、脆物料的中碎、细碎(制砂粒)。对建筑用砂、筑路用砂石优为适宜。 本系列设备用途广泛,其性能已达到国际先进水平,是目前最行之有效,实用可靠的碎石机器,特别适用于制作磨料,耐火材料,水泥,石英砂,钢砂,炉碴粉,铜矿石,金矿砂,河卵石,混凝土骨料,沥青骨料等多种,硬物料的细碎与中碎,是一种高效,节能的
Group: Crushers rotary
XSD洗砂机 XSD series sand washer
In stock 
29000 CNY
我公司生产的XSD系列洗砂机是一种轮斗式洗选设备,可清洗分离砂石中的石粉泥土,其新颖的密封结构,可靠的传动装置,确保了清洗脱水的效果,是配合制砂机使用的一种高效洗砂设备。 洗砂机广泛应用于建筑工地、砂石厂、水电站混凝土大坝工地等多种行业,它具有洗净度高,结构合理,处理量大,功耗小,洗砂过程中砂子流失少,尤其是洗砂机传动部分均与水、砂隔离,故其故障率大大低于目前常用洗砂机,是国内洗砂
Group: Sand and gravel washing and grading equipment
移动破碎站 mobile jaw crusher plant
In stock 
628000 CNY
移动式破碎站 Mobile Crushing plant 移动破碎站主要用于冶金、化工、建材、水电等经常需要搬迁作业的物料加工,特别是用于高速公路、铁路、水电工程等流动性作业现场,用户可根据加工原料的种类,规模和成品物料要求的不同采用多种配置形式。 This series of mobile crushing plant is mainly used in metallurgy,chemical industry,building material,hydroelectricity for processing the materials that always need to be...
Group: Crushing plants


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